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L. Lincoln


Hey ! My Name is Lee Lincoln and I'm the creator of BizzyTraining! My mission is to help any individual reach their fitness goals no matter their fitness level. With 2 years of training experience, I've been able to become an expert in maximizing fitness results within a short period of time.

Before becoming a CPT full time, I was a collegiate athlete that played basketball. Playing this sport definitely help with my progress because I'd have to get in shape for the upcoming season. If I needed to put on muscle mass to withstand the grueling season of constant contact, that consistent weight change definitely wasn't fun but Im thankful for the experience because now I get to help you reach your dream physique.



Monique Burkley

“Since starting my fitness journey and training with Mr. Bizzy, I’ve learned a lot about my body and what it is capable of. In the past, I would workout for about 2 weeks and burn myself out but under his guidance working out had become more of a lifestyle and something fun that I look forward to doing. He is constantly challenging and pushing me toward my goal of becoming the most healthy and confident version of myself.”

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